This "thing" is really causing me to think hard. Copyright isn't something that is always simple to understand, but I do think it is good that Creative Commons has come about. So many people create, share, edit, and remix others peoples ideas all the time. I think CC is going to finally start giving people the credit they deserve. Frequently, we borrow, change, or share others ideas without giving credit. Maybe it is out of fear of violating laws or other reasons. CC allows users to edit content and share as long as they credit the original author. I have been reading Lawrence Lessig's blog and discovered that CC comes with several attributes. I clicked on two different attributes and the page was written in layman's terms. It described what a user was allowed to do with the work and what credit must be given.
I searched for sites with CC license and I found a helpful site. enabled me to chose from several sites items that had CC licenses. I was even able to select it to show only items that I can modify, adapt, or build upon. I chose flickr and looked for White House photos. This would be a great way for students researching American Landmarks, inventors, inventions, etc. They could import the photos into their work as a final project.
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