Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thing 12

I have joined Ning and myspace.com. Ning is similar to myspace, but I feel more comfortable using myspace. When I joined myspace I had my own personal tutor, my daughter. She is a pro at myspace (I don't necessarily like that) and helped me create my page layout, music, and inviting friends. It went smoothly and we had a good time working together. I do like that myspace allows users to chose their privacy level. I believe it is important for educators to be familiar with networking sites that are popular among their students. We need to be able to speak their techno language. It is much easier to teach and communicate with students when we are familiar with their interests. Some educators are creating myspace pages for their students. This can be used to post lessons, create discussion logs, and keep in touch. I can see some benefits from a library having their own page. Book discussions can be viewed by the public, list of books can be posted, popular links can be added, and author's that have sites can also be found much easier. The uses are endless and I believe Ning, myspace, and facebook will reach more people than library websites. Click here to see my page. Check it out!

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